Most species build their nests outdoors in moist environments such as in soil, rotten woods, rotten logs, leaf axils, leaf litters, tree holes, under potted plants/rocks, etc.
Some species build their nests indoors such as wall voids, other cracks and crevices, behind baseboards, electrical switch boxes, etc.
Ants feed on almost any type of food preferably sugar-, protein-, and oil-based foods.
Social insects, living in an organized colony and have a clearly defined role for each individual.
Groom and exchange food/liquid among nestmates.
Lay pheromone trail when forage to lead the nestmates to the food source and aid them back to their nest.
Release defence and attack pheromones to send alarm signals to their nestmates.
Mechanical vectors of various pathogenic diseases such as salmonella, etc.
Ant bites/stings may cause pustules and blisters.
Contaminate food and surgical instruments in hospitals.
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